A Post about running

Running, you either love it or its the necessary evil you have to face at the end of your triathlon. Either way, running is a core part of fitness, endurance and of course triathlon itself. Luckily at WyTri we have an amazing run squad with some seriously seasoned runners with multiple marathons under their belt. However, we also have people new to running or who are building up for their first triathlon or even distance running event. Either way, you will get plenty of encouragement, guidance and motivation by joining our run squad and may even sign up for your first long distance running event along the way.

There is a packed running schedule every week, these are uncoached and classed as social runs but aren’t lacking in fun or banter! The running team will usually go out on two mid week runs on Monday and Thursday for around 45 mins to 1 hour of running. There are many different paces for the runners who attend so don’t let fear of being left behind worry you, we will always accommodate all abilities and paces. The big run is usually Sunday morning and can be anywhere from 10k up to marathon distance depending on where the team are within the season and training schedules, however routes are typically planned so there is a shorter option if anyone chooses it or just feels like they need to cut short that day. The team always enjoy a nice cup of coffee at Costa in Poulton to finish off as we can’t have the cyclists being the only ones to get their café stop!

Please reach out to us via the contact form or email info@wytri.club for more information on any of the running sessions we have.


The WyTri team

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