Race Report – Mick Edge, World Championship Aquathlon

Our very own Mick Edge was in Ibiza recently wearing his GB vest and representing his country for the world championships in Aquathlon. See Micks race report below:

Here is my report from World championships Aquathlon ibiza. Sea Swim and 5k run

Arrived Saturday very nervous worst I’ve been. Weather was nice and sunny and the course looked brilliant.

Come race day checked the transition area 7am, nice and quiet. Sea was perfectll flat as a pancake.  Little did I know what was to come regarding the sea.

Race number 3369 – stickers / transfers had to be on both arms and left calf. If not on correctly you was not allowed to race.

Come 10am off I go into transition with kit.

Everyone very quiet but friendly.

My race was to start 11.40.

Kit checked by British triathlon referees x 3.

Talc powder in trainers this makes easy to get feet into trainers.

Now here’s one for you all, hair conditioner on arms and legs. This helps get wetsuit off easier.

Off to the start line in our pens awaiting our slot to enter sea.

Off we go to start between buoys bang on time.  Then suddenly the loudspeakers boom out the heart beats 💓  boom boom boom then the horn goes off we start. No nerves now.

1000m swim (ended up 1250m swim). Wow it’s like a  massive washing machine can’t see a thing.

After 100m things settled down .

But the sea gets choppy and big swells. this was hard work to swim against sometimes knocking your arm back as you try to swim against the waves. You couldn’t see the buoys as the sea was getting more choppy.

Same for everyone so I just got on with it.

As I try to see the beach I pick up the pace and started kicking more to remind my legs I’m going to run soon.

Swim time 19mins very pleased. average pace 1.32 per 100m.

As I climb out of the sea the crowds are amazing, so loud, fantastic atmosphere.

Then it’s a 90m run to transition to find my box and trainers over 300 boxes lol. Had my fastest transition 1.47 so pleased.

Trainers on wetsuit nicely put in box 📦  if not in correctly 20sec penalty.

The run, 5k, is twisty turny right up my street along the prom and harbour.

The crowds are brilliant shouting come on GB so emotional really got to me.

I am off running after a Spanish athlete then a Brazilian, eventually overtake them .

Plenty of water stations and support.

At the 400m point to the finish line and blue carpet I put a bit more effort in and when I turn the final corner to enter the blue carpet to the finish it hits me emotionally, luckily I had sunglasses on.

I looked around and union jacks flags everywhere and USA, Spanish, Australian, Japan and many more flags, was impressive.

The noise was brilliant and when you cross the line your name is announced to the crowd.

5k time 21.33, average 7.15.

Was hard work in the heat and after a hard swim.

Really loved the whole experience so proud to represent GB, fantastic experience.

84 countries

Over 3000 athletes

Came 3rd British athlete

8th overall.

Very happy with that.

Well done Mick, the whole club was so proud of you and what you achieved!

Here are some more pictures from race day:

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