Race Report – Michael Osinski-Gray, The Lap

What can I say about this race report other than WOW! Such a feat of endurance for those that took part in this event. Here is the race report from Michael:

On Saturday 13th May 5 of the Wyre Triathlon Run Club, Liam, Mike, Simon, Rachael and Judith took part In the Lap 47 mile ultra marathon clockwise around Lake Windermere, unfortunately it does not take the flat route! The race starts at 6am so it’s an early start. 750 runners made their way to the start line at Cunsey Farm just outside Newby bridge, conditions were perfect a nice chill in the air as the sun was rising.  

6am on the nose we were off, heading towards Latterbarrow heading towards the first big climb Loughrigg, although it was a little cloudy the temperature had already started to rise. Heading down off Loughrigg we entered Rothay Park where the weekly Park Run was about to start, it was nice to get a clap and a cheer as we entered Ambleside. Straight into the biggest climb of over 7,000ft, Wansfell, doing the lap clockwise you hit this the steeper side. Due to the air being clammy, as you got higher it was hard to catch your breath! In no time we were above the clouds and reached the top! The views were awesome. Coming down off Wansfell you head into Troutbeck, then just over 20 miles it’s the main feed station and there was pizza! Liam hoovered the pizza up and the soup, at this feed station you can obtain your halfway bag to freshen up and get changed. All fed and refreshed we were on our way again (massive thanks to all the volunteers!). Leaving Troutbeck you get a bit of a reprieve heading towards Windermere and Bowness as you get some great views from the top of Orrest Head, by this time it was midday and about 22c. We were about 2 miles off our next feed and hydration station and we were really feeling it, at one point I’m sure I was seeing stars, quick pit stop top up on hydration and we were off again, through Tower Wood and onto Gummers How Due to the heat we could have easily called it a day here but we kept going (we broke it down into Park Runs). Leaving Gummers, you know you’re heading back towards Newby Bridge, and you are now in single figures around 8 miles to go. At 7 miles we got to our final feed station, and we really stocked up and got plenty of fuel onboard we even got hosed down to cool us off. The final 7 miles is through woodland, and you really must watch your footing. Finally, we see the YMCA thinking we are nearly back now with just 5K to go, adrenaline starts to pump, and we give it our all to get to the finish. The finish line is around 800m through the final field, your legs are telling you to stop but your head is yelling at you to keep going, there is a cold pint waiting for you.  

Well done everyone, you are such an inspiration! I bet the cold pint went down well at the end and you definitely earned it.

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